The Importance of PS-3 (Personnel Screening)

Connect--But, be very careful

It’s All About the Insider Threat

Personnel Security controls may seem cumbersome and involved, especially when talking about unclassified systems. Everyone knows the risk of insider threat but no one seems to really understand the damage that can be caused. Unclassified and sensitive systems are just as much at risk as any other systems when considering proprietary information and the cost of Research and Development (R&D) efforts. Much of this is intangible… it’s hard to quantify the loss a company suffers if their new experimental design is stolen.  

And yet, this happens all the time. A great example happened in August 2016, when a naturalized US citizen with ties to China tried to provide China with military secrets (Muncaster, 2016). In this case, it was military information… but in the case of Greg Chung all of the information provided to China was technically unclassified, which did not lessen the impact (Bhattarcharjee, 2014).  

The importance of PS-3 cannot be understated. It is critical that individuals are screened and re-screened before and while having access to information – whether that information is classified or “just” unclassified.


Bhattacharjee, Y. (2014). How the FBI Cracked a Chinese Spy Ring. Retrieved from:  

Muncaster, P. (2016). Chinese Woman Gets 50 Months for Jet Engine Export Plot. Retrieved from:

Further Reading:

More about how the FBI was playing “footsies” with Chinese agents and the Wen Ho Lee Story with access to US Nuke info (Image takes you to Amazon)

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