Seeking Associate Bloggers

Connect--But, be very careful

An Opportunity to Show Your Expertise 

We are looking for 3 guest-bloggers to help us refine this entry of the “Cyber Sentinel” into the blogosphere. In particular, we are looking for three key criteria for all of our prospective bloggers: 1) generally good writing skills and a passion for cybersecurity, 2) working “in the trenches” of cybersecurity not an arm-chair salesperson, and 3) and, most importantly, have worked at least one or more Authorities to Operate (ATO) as either an Information Systems Security Officer (ISSO), Engineer (ISSE), Manager (ISSM), an assessor/auditor using any cybersecurity framework, but we prefer NIST-based.

Please also provide a 1-page resume and a sample article about any cybersecurity topic that you believe the general community would find helpful or valuable.  Send that information to NLT 20 November 2018.

Associate Bloggers will be announced December 1, 2018. Those selected bloggers will have their pictures and background available on a dedicated page for your “admiring” fans (and family).

Please join us in making cybersecurity successes and challenges a shared experience across our ever-growing community.

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