SPOT: Neural Networks to Improve Cyber-Intrusion Detection

Wilner (2018) describes the nature of cybersecurity as unsurprisingly fluctuating due to ongoing threat challenges, especially in the area of intrusion detection. He discusses the specific issue of the inability of humans who create AI-based decision algorithms to understand what the machine-based solution’s thought processes are in providing a finding to human recipients. He suggests Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions may be too complicated for current human understanding. Wilner’s (2018) concern within the intrusion detection community is specific to AI and the human challenge of understanding the internal processing of a supporting algorithm or device.
The question that arises is whether this a real concern, or not?
Can we resolve the issue of understanding the internal operations of an AI algorithm with its associated outputs? As Loy (2019) highlights, the “limitations” of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are their inherent “lack of interpretability [as]…a real concern” for the scientific community (p. 281). However, does it matter?
The ANN essentially replicates a weighted decision-making process similar, but not precisely, as typically formulated by humans (Loy, 2019). There is only a limited understanding of how the human mind or thought process operates after decades of scientific study and evaluation of human biology (Hogan, 2012). This lack of understanding of the internal workings of AI algorithms should not be a primary rationale for its avoidance especially regarding the challenges found within the intrusion detection marketplace.
Intrusion detection and prevention. Hu, Gnatyuk, V., Sydorenko, Odarchenko, and Gnatyuk, S. (2017) suggest a localized network-centric monitoring solution for cyber incident detection. Hu et al.’s (2017) approach looks at how to mathematically determine a network component’s weighted values, for example firewalls, servers, or desktop computers, and the cost to the organization of the specific cyber-compromise.
Hu et al. (2017) formulate an eight-phase approach to threat discovery that includes: 1) cyber-attack classification, 2) attack type, 3) cyber- incident categorization, 4) rules based defined to detect the event or incident, 5) the device’s need for protection, 6) the costs or impacts, 7) the most critical components requiring protection, and 8) the ranking of the danger of the cyber-incident to the organizational response criteria (Hu, Gnatyuk, V., Sydorenko, Odarchenko, and Gnatyuk, S., 2017, pp. 32–41). They utilize multiple probabilistic approaches for a rule-based solution for monitoring intrusions and stopping network attacks. However, they neglect to look beyond the local security perimeter and its collected device audit logs and files (Hu et al., 2017).
Hu et al.’s (2017) work are generally supportive of employing neural networks to improve cybersecurity intrusion detection needs. They offer an initial construct that could be applied using a data science approach or model to include, for example, an ANN. Hu et al.’s (2017) methodology can be applied as a potential framework to benefit public and private sector cybersecurity detection measures (Starks, 2019; Starr, 2015; Russo, 2019).
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